MICROSERF: Old People & New Media

As mentioned earlier over here, Yahoo used to be my email of choice. Over the other popular email at the time, Microsoft's MSN Hotmail. Now Yahoo's email system is a joke, swarming with viruses and spam created almost exclusively on Microsoft Windows applications and shitty PCs.

So its ironic to hear the word out on the 'Street of Microserf being on the verge of taking over Yahoo.

When the 'net first blossomed across campus computer labs in the early 90s, it was Yahoo and all those young nerds streaming down from Stanford who invented the concept of search engines -- which Google perfected and ran with to the bank atop Mountain View.

I bolted, too. I'm a Gmail man now, hitting that spot which wonderfully synchronizes all of Google's other useful yet simple features without the retarded clutter.

My advice for Serj & Co. - let them eat their own. Microsoft and Yahoo have been developing inferior quality and shitty products for the last several years. Their ilk deserve each other. You guys just keep doing what your doing. A unified MicroHoo shouldn't hold a creative market share worth noting. Their failed Doubleclick ad program to compete with AdSense is a perfect example.

Even Bill Gates, as much as I admire him for his much-needed philanthropy, can't bring anything cool and funny to the computer table even when he tries.

My favorite viruses and scams and spam usually originate across the Atlantic. Specifically all those weird ones that want to enlarge your dick with a magical Swiss herbal blend, and want to reward you with a Nigerian King's ransom. But here's the real secret: There isn't an Apple Store in Lagos...