Lincoln Tunnel Vision

"I am tired of people criticizing me for not making their point."

That didn't come from Jon Stewart Leibinowitz, but tweeted by original Daily Show co-creator Lizz Winstead the day after the big weekend on the national mall. Her point strays a bit from Stewart's Lincoln Tunnel metaphor his in grand finale speech.

Arriving in Washington DC a couple of days before the Rally for Sanity, I took the current pulse of the nation's capital the best way I know how -- a job fair. The event at a swank Marriott Renaissance, just blocks away from The Daily Show tapings, was hosted by the Online News Association. Their annual conference, now in it's fifth year, discussed some interesting journalism trends with their Twitter hashtag #ona10.

Stewart lambasted the standard of journalism in America, but it was a bit of a broad brush. A NY Times editor mentioned that very few pay attention to cable news, even though cable news makes a lot of of money from their spitfire tug-of-war.

Later on Friday night I walked past a snazzy, small pop-up store filled with pretty Capitol Hill pundits. It was a relaunch party for the National Journal, who's attempting to rebrand themselves in today's media environment with the philosophy of 'nimble, efficient and urgent.'

The Ondafactor
last call for election memes!