An Insomniac on the Ledge

The ideal life is one worth staying awake for.

Meaningful reasons to roll out of bed, each and every friggin' day.

As mentioned in this earlier post, I was in Chicago during the final weekend of shooting for Batman: The Dark Knight. I had to spend that entire weekend sleeping in the back of my rental car -- something I've unfortunately have had to be doing for an unfortunate long time in an unfortunate number of cities.

This year I'm dropping the baggage and getting down to the root causes of my new madrid faults. I sleepeacefully with a solid ground homebase and workspace. The more I have to duck and tippy-toe in my private zone, the more I'm forced to lower my profile in the public domain. Privacy matters for (aspiring) public figures. Deepak would tell me so, and even Bill Clinton might nod off in agreement.

When I first looked into moving to Gotham City, I read that Heath Ledger and his family were living in a "quiet" part of Brooklyn. That's surprised me because I never found any part of any NYC burrough as "quiet" at all. I found the vibe rather cold (not hipster cool) and somewhat unwelcoming to newbies. I checked out some overpriced brownstownes in Park Slope, and I just couldn't pull the trigger. Maybe I should have. But I'm just not a concrete jungle tycoon.

Ledger seemed to be today's anti-hero; a rebel with a slight clue. A skateboardin' budding bohemian in an old school Hollywood overrun with squares. Craftsmanship and artistic street cred will always make more sense than all the dollars in the world after all is said and done.

It was a shame to not have Ledger cast in more quirkier, less dramatic roles. But maybe that, too, was on the horizon: his next project was a Terry Gilliam film. At least for Batman he got to shed the pretty-boy thing and take on a sin-ister role, which is the most fascinating role of all since it can show a deeper understanding of the human condition and society's role in casting humans as 'bad' or 'good'.

Hopefully now he can finally get the rest, and the peace, he's been longing for.

I can hardly wait myself.