Forever Young

Sean Young gets my early nod for the 2008 "Don't Tase Me Bro!" Award for Most Needed Drunken Heckler Episode.

I found it great that she flipped out at one of these bloated, self-congratulatory TV awards shows that are now way too ubiqutous and dull. Look, I love the D.G.A. -- especially its theatres on Sunset and in the UES -- but it should be above putting out yet another of these televised circle-jerks.

Not even the greatest scribes of the WGA can save the '08 entertainment awards season when most of the winners are ordinary and their acceptance speeches even lamer.

THIS JUST IN: Next month's Granny Awards on CBS (Cronkite Broadcasting?) are saluting the Beatles.

So thank you, Sean. I look forward to casting you someday. I mean, on set - not in rehab. We all love lines but I'm no Drew Pinsky. Although he might help you with scoring an audition too these days.

"C'mon get on with it!" indeed. A mantra worth repeating many times this year.

BTW at this time I couldn't track down an embeddable clip featuring Young's fracas. The only thing was a laughably old-school clip from the Associated Press, who has slowly entered the new-media fray with this page at YouTube with their new tagline touting themselves as the essential global news network.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The heavily-domesticated AP is about one competitive, legitimate wire service away from disappearing from the landscape faster than one can utter the letters "U-P-I".

More lifeless reporting and schlock entertainment articles. C'mon get on with it, AP.Bob Hope is dead!

Speaking of YouTube, it's time to debunk the faulty metrics on that medium. As shown by the Snakes on a Plane miscalculations, mere hits and views aren't proper barometers to check how hot and how cool a concept is. The good folks in San Bruno need to stop making the clips start automatically because it gives a false tally of viewership. Many revisit a clip's url just to read up or engage in the comment section found beneath it.

For a good display of how Next Generation viral media can be presented, haul ass over the Bridge.

C'mon get on with it! Hmmm, that's got a really nice ring(tone) to it.
"You want to be a star? Really? Then stop surrounding yourself with squares, damnit."