Western Hemisfearmongers

GATORADE: There's this crazy picture snapped last summer in the Everglades of Florida showing a dead full-sized python split in half with a dead full-sized alligator gushing from the seams of the snake's carcass. One predator had tried to devour the other, and both lost.

I'm reminded of the pic when you take a look at archaic sloganeering of last night's Florida primary, which exemplifies whats wrong with all these "conservative" schmucks.

(And for the record, I'm not a Democrat or a "liberal" or whatever political box we're forced to check off and squeeze our minds into. I simply side with whatever action pushes society forward -- a surge of progressive thoughts, not marching ants.)

John McCain, another member of the Over the Hill from Capitol Hell club, is on top and looks like the Republican nominee for president. I can see this douchebag winning it all. He's got what the 51 Percenters want: "projecting strength" through (hollow) promises, all the fake barbarian tough-guy posturing, nary a unique vision or a refreshing worldview, and a simpleton's personality of someone you'd just love to have a cup of coffee with at Dennys -- because, you know, the guy you have a cup of coffee with at Dennys should be president.

Here's some straight-talk: John McCain will not be Able to unite. Not this dynamic society. Not the increasingly multicultural nation. Thats hardly a newsflash of course, but a good reminder when you hear his PTSD-induced machine gun buffoonery and the outdated outlook of U.S. versus T.H.E.M. and so forth.

McCain rides his quip about "the greatest issue of the 21st century is defeating islam fundamentalism". The old man's not all there: fundementalism of ALL religions is a problem. Start at home with the crazy Christian Evangelicals and the Jewish Zionists who bankroll politicians here, THEN help the normal folks "over there" who are trying to establish plurality and secularism. Its like having the classic get-off-my-damn-lawn mentality while ignoring whats growing old and stale and in side your own home.

Don't be fooled, folks. There is no "clash of civilizations" happening in our world. It's actually a clash of fundamentalists, specifically a clash of conservatives who rule from Iran to America and all the hidden valleys in between. These are two ugly heads from the same not-so-divine source. The conservative base in America is the same as the conservative base found in all other countries; the direct descendants of the-Earth-is-flat crowd.

The senator from Arizona has the typical mentality for a white guy in the Wild West. That same "warrior" spirit filled with "Apache" helicopters and "Tomahawk" missiles. Figures that a young Arizonan like Pat Tillman is the symbol of military folks dying completely in vain. Of course if they kept their helmets on their own gridiron and not on other nations' backyards, things might change. The wars of the grandfathers and the $ins of the father will continue to revisit the children until this shit stops.

McCain's never been to Iraq. He's been to a U.S. Military Base in Iraq. It's like saying you're going to visit Mexico when its just a Club Med in Cancun. That's Idiocracy at its finest.

It's not about a person's age or seniority, but about whether they're in touch with the future. Like George Carlin. He's old but he's in touch. I like Carlin's Straight Talk Express a lot better and so do millions more. I didn't think he'd survive after his last special in November '05 with his failing health, but somehow he did and we're all happy to get another round. It was announced last week that his 14th HBO special will air on March 1st, live from a theatre in Santa Rosa CA and away from his usual Beacon Theatre outpost in NYC.

Carlin's more popular than ever today, especially amongst youth, because his themes are more populist, raw, and real than whats out there. I know I took him up only in the last few years. Real straight talk for high-minded folks. Sure, he's now a bit slower and more darker than he used to be -- but he's just reflecting the nation he lives in, and the generation he comes from.

A couple years ago in the New Yorker I read an article that proclaimed that we were witnessing the first time in history that there isn't a glaring generation gap, because everyone has access to everything and parents are trying to act as cool as the kids.

It's the thoughts that count, not the age. So don't be afraid ol folks. There's nothing to lose.