Advice for the Young at Art

If you haven't noticed, I've been finding myself glancing into the lyrics of bands from the 80s. From stuff like Tears for Fears, as well as some quirky movies from that era which were devoid of today's artificial pixeloitation.

Don't get me wrong: the eighties didn't feel Right to me. It was a conservative climate, with fundamentalists running amok. A world filled with Members-Only Reagonomics, lame fashion, big hair, horrible pop music, and the ubiquitous sky-is-falling rhetoric of Space Balls this and Cold War on that.

Sound familiar? Now catch my drift. The only reason I'm checking stuff out from the 80's is to get a little understanding about how to deal with the cultural climate of our world in the '08.

For me, the artist's holistic duty in society is to create intellectual property which rehumanizes, brings us down to earth - not escaping it. Resensitizing societies from the numbing mess created by politicization, materialism, and religiosity. For modern times I'll also throw in the "advancement" of p$ych-ience, which has done an amazing job making our bombs bigger and our dicks harder.

As a Pro Creator these are the invaders of our Artmosphere. The bipolarizing industries which divide you, isolate you, and sidetrack you into thinking you're up when you're really down and vice-versa.

Life should flow on the horizontal tip. Or at least at a 45 degree angle. Not swaying left versus right. Shouldn't be a BOX'ing match where the average wins out and the serfs make the rules.

They're wrong: You cannot change a negative into a positive, cannot find positives in negatives. The good and bad signs are right in front of you. It's actually all in your hands, not all in your head. It's all elemental.

Wish I had someone tell me this stuff growing up. Oh well. It's never too late to get off the sidelines.