Leap Year Messenger

I consider George Carlin one of the greatest living American observers of contemporary culture.

He's not going to be around here forever.

Saturday night at 10pmEST will be the 71-year-old's whopping 14th HBO live special.

I was fortunate enough in December to get a sneak peek of the material he's going to be doing in the hour-long set. Counterculture bombshells aplenty.

I can only hope to be as thought-provoking as he is when I'm an observer as a senior. It goes to show, as I mentioned before, that age means nothing - it's the thoughts that count. Unlike another 71-year-old.

I know a lot of folks in my age range who have, like me, just discovered his incredible array of material in the last few years. It's particularly interesting because if someone younger spoke about the socio-political stuff that he does, the way he does, it wouldn't fly -- or they might even be arrested.